Bosca Beatha

Treats for body and soul


What better pick-me-up than to receive a box of Dooks delights. Food and comfort for body and soul. A treasure trove of joyful food that is sure to nourish and restore, no matter what this mad life is throwing your way! Free delivery to any Island of Ireland address!


Dooks Brand Granola;
Dooks Brand Chocolate & Hazelnut Biscotti;
Dooks Blackcurrent Jam (210g)
Dooks Seville Orange Marmalade;
Dooks Raspberry Jam;
Dooks Brown Bread Loaf;
Dooks Salad Dressing
Dooks Apple Chutney
2 x Current Season Breakfast Pastries;
2 x Dooks Power Bars;
2 x Seasonal Fruit Financier Cakes;
and Wall & Keogh Irish Breakfast tea

Optional add on of Dooks Fine Foods Apron

Additional information

Add ons

Bosca Beatha Classic, add Dooks Tote Bag, add Dooks Apron, add Frank Green Reusable Cup