Bosca Beatha Beag

Treats for body and soul


What better pick-me-up than to receive a box of Dooks delights. Food and comfort for body and soul. A treasure trove of joyful food that is sure to nourish and restore, no matter what this mad life is throwing your way!


Dooks Brand Granola;
Dooks Raspberry Jam;
Dooks Brown Bread Loaf/White Yeast Loaf;
Cloud Picker Coffee (French Press, Espresso, Wholebean);
2 x Dooks Homemade Scones
1 x Lemon Cake w/ Lemon Curd;
1 x Rhubarb Bakewell Tart;
2 x Dooks Power Bars

Cakes subject to change due to seasonality.

Additional information


Wholebean, French Press Ground, Espresso Ground

Bread Loaf

Brown Bread, White Yeast Bread

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